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Say hello to Phonlawat Srilong

Phonlawat is from Thailand and was born on 8 January 2003.

Phonlawat lives with his father and his mother. His duties at home include carrying water, caring for animals and doing odd jobs. There are 4 children in the family. His father occasionally works as a rural worker and his mother occasionally works as a rural worker. Due to low income his family struggles to survive.

For fun, Phonlawat enjoys soccer, singing and playing with marbles. He attends church activities regularly and is in primary school where he is making steady progress.

With the sponsorship from Broadwater Group, we hope Phonlawat will have new opportunities to learn and grow physically, mentally, and spiritually. Thank you for your concern and prayers.

This is where Phonlawat lives……..

Both Thailand's development and its disparities were highlighted in the 2007 survey conducted by the National Statistical Office into the situation of children and women in Thailand. Children with uneducated mothers were more than twice as likely to be underweight as compared to the children of mothers with some secondary education (13 per cent versus six per cent). Children from the poorest households were also more than twice as likely to be stunted-meaning shorter than average for their age-than children from the richest households (16 per cent versus seven per cent). Compassion International began working in Thailand in 1970. Over 31,000 children participate in around 229 child development centres. Compassion Australia assists over 4200 of these children. Compassion's Leadership Development Program, Child Survival Program and various Complementary Interventions also operate throughout the country.

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